Haiku Mix-Master 6000

Turn your poems into music! Write each of your haiku lines, then click 'COMPOSE'

Your composition will appear here!



So you want to turn your poetry into music? Here's how to do it with the HAIKU MIX-MASTER 6000!

1. Write your haiku lines seperately into each box

2. Select a musical key for your composition

3. Click the 'COMPOSE' button to generate your music

4. Click the play buttons to hear your music indifferent styles!

If you want to change musical key, just select it and click 'COMPOSE' again.


"HAIKU MIX-MASTER 6000" was created by 'bivan' with the help of his good friends. 'bivan' does not intend to sue anyone for copyright infringement, should any musical composition - created with "HAIKU MIX-MASTER 6000" - be used commercially. This tool is free for everyone to use, forever. Big love xx